قال ابن القيم رحمه الله تعالى:
فﻼ يزال مستيقظا حذرا .
وأما من سقط من عينه وهان عليه فإنه يخلي بينه وبين معاصيه
وكلما أحدث ذنبا أحدث له نعمة، والمغرور يظن أن ذلك من
كرامته عليه وﻻ يعلم أن ذلك عين اﻹهانة، وأنه يريد به العذاب الشديد، والعقوبة التي ﻻ عاقبة معها.
Ibn al-Qayyim said:
Slave disciplined believer who loves his Lord to the glory and has the lowest.
Still maintained her up and she cleaned her tears flowed between his sins.
Whenever sin he has committed, and with arrogant to think for sin.
Insulted his honor, and he received all the punishment, and punishment was the result of sin and evil.