
الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء و المرسلين، وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين أهلا وسهلا بكم إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى، فيرجى التفضل بزيارة صفحة التعليمات كما يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل ، إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى، أما إذا رغبت بقراءة المواضيع والإطلاع فتفضل بزيارة القسم الذي ترغب أدناه. عن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه - قال: سمعت رسول الله ﷺ يقول: "إن إبليس قال لربه: بعزتك وجلالك لا أبرح أغوي بني آدم مادامت الأرواح فيهم - فقال الله: فبعزتي وجلالي لا أبرح أغفر لهم ما استغفروني" اللّهم طهّر لساني من الكذب ، وقلبي من النفاق ، وعملي من الرياء ، وبصري من الخيانة ,, فإنّك تعلم خائنة الأعين ,, وما تخفي الصدور اللهم استَخدِمني ولاَ تستَبدِلني، وانفَع بيِ، واجعَل عَملي خَالصاً لِوجهك الكَريم ... يا الله اللهــم اجعل عملي على تمبـلر صالحاً,, واجعله لوجهك خالصاً,, ولا تجعل لأحد فيه شيئاً ,, وتقبل مني واجعله نورا لي في قبري,, وحسن خاتمة لي عند مماتي ,, ونجاةً من النار ومغفرةً من كل ذنب يارب يارب يارب





Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fall in love with the Quran

Why don't we feel love for the Quran?

1. Inability:

It's distressing to see many people who still do not know atleast a letter in Arabic. They do not know

how to recite the Quran and some haven't known what Quran is all about. They feel this as an inability and even if they are asked to learn it, they don't desire to go or they don't have an interest to learn the Quran. May Allah give hidayat to all

2. Unfamiliarity:

One of the main thing people say is that they aren't familiar with the language Arabic and that's why they don't feel an attachment towards it, but we can't repeat the same excuse nowadays for we have ample of oppurtunities and resources to learn more about the language and Allah has insisted in His Book that the reason He revealed it in Arabic is to make people easy to understand the Quran.

"Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand." [12:2]

3. Busyness:

The next main ingredient people say is that they don't have enough time to open and turn the pages. We do have time to have our meals, to iron our clothes, to sleep, to involve in our extra activities like hobbies and picnic. Then why can't we allocate a few minutes of our time for Quran?

4. Lame Excuses:

It's annoying to see people giving silly excuses to just get rid from this topic. Some says, "Oh, we recite it in salah and that's enough." Some says, "There's no problem with it for I am sure Allah will forgive me." and There are people who says, "If we can do good and avoid bad, then that's enough since there is no need to recite and spend our time with it as we have ample of works to do." and some are much frustrated and they say, "We aren't suitable to recite this Holy Book as we are sinners." These are silly excuses people make and talking like this can directly lead us to Jahannam. So be careful when talking. Don't control the situation by making up false statements. May Allah protect us all.

5. Different Perceptions:

If you look at the Quran as a most precious thing, then you will have a love for it, but in most cases, people just consider it as a Holy Book and keep it aside without realising the value of it. Some take the Quran and recite it with the intention of researching it. And some do it to make a comparison between other religious scriptures. Some recite it considering as just a deed. These are some of the ordinary ways people choose to see the texts in the Quran.

"And the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) will say: "O my Lord! Verily, my people deserted this Quran (neither listened to it, nor acted on its laws and orders)." [25:30]

What will be the outcome if we don't love the Quran?

1. Lacking in faith:

You won't feel closer to Allah. You will have a suspicious mind which will make you to act indecisively. Your Iman will swing and you will have a failed relationship with Allah.

2. Rigid Heart: 

You will realise that you don't have a soft heart. You won't feel like to act with others politely. Arrogance will overpower you and Your heart won't tremble if you hear the word, 'Allah.'

3. Increase in bad deeds:

When you are involving in a sin, you won't feel it as a bad one. You will just console yourself that it isn't a mischief at all. You will have a habit of breaking promises, telling lies, disloyal to people etc. This will lead you to a pit of sins where you will no longer find any of your acts as a sin. May Allah save us all.

4. Decrease in good deeds:

There will be a gradual decrease in good deeds. You will miss the prayers and you will avoid the places where there is a good company. You will start to think everything as a burden.

5. Frustration:

All the above outcomes will lead you to frustration. You will always feel exasperated and disappointed. You will consider your studies as a burden or your job as a burden, your family as a burden. This means, Negativity will surround you and you won't have any affirmative thoughts at all.

"And We did not give Prophet Muhammad, knowledge of poetry, nor is it befitting for him. It is not but a message and a clear Qur'an, To warn whoever is alive and justify the word against the disbelievers." [36:69-70]

“And We send down of the Qur'an that which is healing and mercy for the believers, but it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss." [17:82]

What can we do to fall in love with the Quran?

1. Think:

Take a good time and relax yourself. Think of your life and the hereafter. Think of your attachment you have for the Quran and Think what can you do in order to fall in love with it. Think of atleast allocating a few minutes of your time to have a glance on it.

2. Implement:

Implement of what you thought. Read atleast a page each day. If you find it difficult, Read atleast a few verses after each prayer which will be an easy start. Don't worry if you can't read for Rasoolullah said: “Verily the one who recites the Quran beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have TWICE that reward.” (Bukhari & Muslim) So start from today itself.

3. Understand:

Just reciting isn't enough. You need to know of what you are reciting. If you are good at Arabic, then it's okay. But if you aren't good at it, Pick a translation of your favourable language and have it at your side when reciting. Do you like to read a book of an unfamiliar language? It will be hard for you to concentrate and you won't find it interesting at all. So try to understand of what you are reciting as it is a key factor to increase your love for the Quran. (If you want to understand Quran, just click on this link and you will find what you want for just 10 dollars: http://www.ummaland.com/course/info/id_19/ )

4. Engage Your senses:

Engage your senses in exploring the contents of the Quran. Feel when you read and ponder over the verses. You should have a feeling of trembling when you are coming across the verses of warnings, happy when you read the verses of glad tidings and mourn when you hear about the torments. In this way, If you can feel the Quran, then you will fall more in love with it.

5. Search and Search:

Once you are experiencing a difference, go ahead and search for more facts from the Quran. The more you search, the more beautiful and inspiring verses you will come across. Jot down the verses and your thoughts if necessary. You will soon learn how Quran wisely holds the truth and will fall in love with it without knowing yourself.

6. Memorise:

Memorise the verses which interest you. The more you memorise, the more you will get interested with the verses and it will eventually induce you to memorise the whole Quran.

“And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?" [54: 17]

7. Include in your prayers:

You can recite the verses you memorised in your daily 5 times of prayers. You can also include the verses in your supplications. This will boost you to learn more from the Quran and you will deeply admire as time goes by.

8. Never consider the Quran as a book of prayer:

If you view the Quran as just a book of prayer, your love will be limited and it will be based upon selfishness cause you are only considering it as a prayer. So observe the quran in different angels like: Quran as a book of prayer, Quran as a book of guidance, Quran as a book of justice, Quran as a book of legislation, Quran as a book of science etc. The more you observe it in different perspectives, the more you will fall in love with it.

9. Live by the Quran:

All the above facts will be useless if you are not living by the Quran. So take every advices it provide, tips that motivate, words that inspire, skills that help and Warnings that will lead you to the correct course. Take these all within you and live by the Quran. Start to act as a walking Quran like Rasoolullah did. It will be hard to act as said, but you can atleast give a try and do your best so that you will improve.

Ayesha (R.A) was asked about the character of the Prophet (SAWS) to which she replied: “His character was the Quran” (Bukhari)

10. Strengthen your faith:

Strengthen your faith by remembering Allah often for faith is where love comes from. The deeper your faith, the deeper you will be in love with the Quran. So be steadfast in your faith and feel the difference.

"Say (O Muhammad SAW) Ruh-ul-Qudus [Jibrael (Gabriel)] has brought it (the Quran) down from your Lord with truth, that it may make firm and strengthen (the Faith of) those who believe and as a guidance and glad tidings to those who have submitted (to Allah as Muslims)." [16:102]

How to know that we are in love with the Quran?

1. Attachment to Allah:

You will have a feeling that Allah is so close to you. You will sense His presence and it will gradually develop your closeness to Allah.

2. Development in Personality:

Your individual traits will reflect positivity and there will be a great improvement in your character.

3. Contentment and Peace:

You will be happy and satisfied with what you are. Tranquility will surround you and you will be ease at heart.

4. Encourage good and forbid evil:

You will be conscious of without falling into a pit of sin and will encourage yourself to involve in good deeds. You will do the same when you come across a person; You will avoid him from doing sins and will motivate him to perform good deeds.

5. Self-confidence:

You will be full of hope and even if you didn't receive of what you have intended, you will still be hopeful of receiving its reward in the hereafter. You will attain success in everything you do. Even if you didn't get it instantly, you will see it in the latter part of your life or you will be sure that it will be hoarded to make you successful in the hereafter.
“Anyone who has learned the Quran and holds it lovingly in his heart will ‘value his nights when people are asleep, his days when people are given to excess, his grief when people are joyful, his weeping when people laugh, his silence when people chatter and his humility when people are arrogant’. In other words every moment of life will be precious to him, and he should therefore be ‘gentle’, never harsh nor quarrelsome, ‘nor one who makes a clamour in the market nor one who is quick to anger.” 
(Ibn Mas’ud)
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Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda :

” Sesungguhnya seorang hamba yang bercakap sesuatu kalimah atau ayat tanpa mengetahui implikasi dan hukum percakapannya, maka kalimah itu boleh mencampakkannya di dalam Neraka lebih sejauh antara timur dan barat” ( Riwayat Al-Bukhari, bab Hifdz al-Lisan, 11/256 , no 2988)