The medicine for sorrow, grief, anxiety and depression is this
Narrated Abdullah ibn Mas’ood, that the Messenger of Allah
[SAWS] said: There is no person who suffers any anxiety or grief, and he/she
that Allah will take away his anxiety and grief, and replace his sorrow with
The companions asked: Ya Rasool Allah! Does it
befit for us that we learn these words (i.e. this dua)?
He replied: Absolutely. Whoever hears of it should learn it.
[Musnad Imam Ahmad]
Allahumma innee ‘abduka,
ibnu ‘abdika, ibnu amatika
Naasiyatee biyadika,
Maadhin fiyya hukmuka, ‘adlun fiyya qadhaa’uka
As alooka bikulli ismin huwa laka sammayta bihi nafsaka
aw anzaltahu fee kitabika, aw ‘allamtahu ‘ahdan min khalqika
Awista tharta bihi fee ‘ilmil-ghaibi ‘indaka
An tajalal Qurana rab’eea qalbee, wa noora sadree
Wa jalaa’a huznee, wa zhahaaba hammee
The Prophet [SAWS] told us that if we find ourselves in a state
of sorrow, anxiety, depression or sadness, we should make the afore-mentioned
dua. The dua begins with glorifying and praising Allah, then we are instructed
to make tawassul (seek a means to get closer) to Allah by asking through all of
Allah’s perfect and majestic names…but what is the request after such prolonged
“Make the Quran the life of my
heart and the light of chest!”
It’s as if Rasool Allah [SAWS] is saying that if you’re
depressed/sad/anxious/ sorrowful, then the way to relieve this is to make your
life revolve around the Quran! Because once you read the Quran, you will find:
and tranquility of the heart [13:28]
physical and spiritual healing (shifaa), and mercy [17:82]
guidance on how to live life, and good news [2:97]
How is it possible for someone
who is attached to the Quran to ever be depressed?