وَإِمَّا يَنزَغَنَّكَ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ نَزْغٌ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللَّهِ ۖ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ
إعراب القرآن :
«وَإِمَّا» الواو حرف استئناف وإن شرطية وما زائدة «يَنْزَغَنَّكَ» مضارع مبني على الفتح لاتصاله بنون التوكيد الثقيلة والكاف مفعول به «مِنَ الشَّيْطانِ» متعلقان بحال محذوفة «نَزْغٌ» فاعل مؤخر وجملة ينزغنك ابتدائية لا محل لها «فَاسْتَعِذْ» الفاء واقعة في جواب الشرط وأمر فاعله مستتر «بِاللَّهِ» متعلقان بالفعل «إِنَّهُ» إن واسمها «هُوَ» ضمير فصل «السَّمِيعُ» خبر أول «الْعَلِيمُ» خبر ثان والجملة الاسمية تعليل
التفسير : إبن كثير
وقوله : ( وإما ينزغنك من الشيطان نزغ فاستعذ بالله ) أي : إن شيطان الإنس ربما ينخدع بالإحسان إليه ، فأما شيطان الجن فإنه لا حيلة فيه إذا وسوس إلا الاستعاذة بخالقه الذي سلطه عليك ، فإذا استعذت بالله ولجأت إليه ، كفه عنك ورد كيده . وقد كان رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - : إذا قام إلى الصلاة يقول : " أعوذ بالله السميع العليم من الشيطان الرجيم من همزه ونفخه ونفثه " .
وقد قدمنا أن هذا المقام لا نظير له في القرآن إلا في " سورة الأعراف " عند قوله : ( خذ العفو وأمر بالعرف وأعرض عن الجاهلين وإما ينزغنك من الشيطان نزغ فاستعذ بالله إنه سميع عليم ) [ الأعراف : 199 ، 200 ] ، وفي سورة المؤمنين عند قوله : ( ادفع بالتي هي أحسن السيئة نحن أعلم بما يصفون وقل رب أعوذ بك من همزات الشياطين وأعوذ بك رب أن يحضرون ) [ المؤمنون : 96 - 98 ] .
[ لكن الذي ذكر في الأعراف أخف على النفس مما ذكر في سورة السجدة ; لأن الإعراض عن الجاهل وتركه أخف على النفس من الإحسان إلى المسيء فتتلذذ النفس من ذلك ولا انتقاد له إلا بمعالجة ويساعدها الشيطان في هذه الحال ، فتنفعل له وتستعصي على صاحبها ، فتحتاج إلى مجاهدة وقوة إيمان ; فلهذا أكد ذلك هاهنا بضمير الفصل والتعريف باللام فقال : ( فاستعذ بالله إنه هو السميع العليم ) ] .
التفسير : القرطبي
قوله تعالى : وإما ينزغنك من الشيطان نزغ تقدم في آخر الأعراف مستوفى . فاستعذ بالله من كيده وشره " إنه هو السميع " لاستعاذتك
" العليم " بأفعالك وأقوالك .
(41:36) And if you are prompted by a provocation from Satan, seek refuge with Allah. He, and He alone, is All-Hearing, All- Knowing.

The common people do not have the capability that they may assess and counterbalance fairly the excesses being committed by one party by the reactions of the other. As long as they sec that while the opponents ate adopting every mean act yet these people do not swerve at All from the path of decency and nobility, goodness and righteousness, they continue to regard and esteem them highly. But if at some time they happen to commit an unworthy act, even if it is in retaliation against a grave injustice, both the sides become equal in their esteem, and the opponents also get an excuse to counter one blameable act with a thousand abuses.
That is why it has been said: 'Be on your guard against the deceptions of Satan. He will incite you as a wellwisher to take note of every abuse and every insult and attack and urge you to pay the opponent in the same coin, otherwise you would be regarded as a coward and weaken your image of strength. " On every such occasion whenever you feel any undue provocation, you should take care that this is an incitement of Satan who is arousing you to anger and wants you to commit a mistake. And after having been warned do not be involved in the misunderstanding that you have full control over yourself, and Satan cannot make you commit any mistake. This high opinion of ones own power of judgement and will is another and more dangerous deception of Satan.
Instead of it you should seek Allah's refuge, for man can save himself from mistakes only if Allah helps and grants him protection. The beat commentary of this subject is the event which Imam Ahmad has related in his Musnad on the authority of Hadrat Abu Hurairah. He says that once a man started uttering invectives against Hadrat Abu Bakr, in the presence of the Holy Prophet. Hadrat Abu Bakr kept on hearing the invectives quietly and the Holy Prophet kept on smiling at it. At last, whcn Hadrat Abu Bakr could restrain himself no longer, he also uttered a harsh word for the person in response. No sooner did he utter the word than the Holy Prophet was seized by restraint, which appeared on his face, and he rose and left the place immediately.
Hadrat Abu Bakr also rose and went behind him. On the way he asked, 'How is it that as long as the person went on abusing me, you kept quiet and smiling, but whcn I also said a word in retaliation, you were annoyed" The Holy Prophet replied, "Until you were quiet an angel remained with you, who went on replying to him on your behalf, but when you spoke out Satan came in place of the angel: I could not sit with Satan. "
After seeking Allah's refuge against the storm of opposition, the thing that brings patience and peace and tranquillity to the heart of the believer is this conviction: "Allah is not unaware: He knows whatever we arc doing as well as that which is being done against us. He is hearing whatever we and our opponents utter and watches the conduct of both of us."
On the basis of this very conviction the believer entrusts his own and the opponents of the truth's affair to Allah and remains satisfied. ' This is the fifth place where the Holy Prophet and, through him, the believers have been taught this wisdom of preaching and reforming the people. For the other four places, see AI-A'raf: 199-204, An-Nahl: 125-128, Al Mu'minun: 96-98, Al-'Ankabut: 46-47 and the E.N.'s.