قصة الهدهد والملك النبي سليمآن عليه السلآم وملكة سبأ من وحي القران الكريم
شكر سليمان عليه السلام لله
ياايها الناس علمنا منطق الطير واوتينا من كل شيء ان هذا لهو الفضل المبين وحشر لسليمان جنوده من الجن والانس والطير فهم يوزعون حتى اذا اتوا على وادي النمل قالت نمله ياايها النمل ادخلوا مساكنكم ليحطمنكم سليمان وجنوده وهم لا يشعرون فتبسم ضاحكا من قولها وقال ربي اوزعني ان اشكر نعمتك التي انعمت علي وعلى والدي وان اعمل صالحا ترضاه وادخلني برحمتك في عبادك الصالحين
سليمان عليه السلام والهدهد
وتفقد الطير فقال ماليا لاارى الهدهد ام كان من الغابئين لاعذبنه عذابا شديدا او لاذبحنه او لياتيني بسلطان مبين فمكث غير بعيد فقال احطت بما لم تحط به وجئتك من سبأ بنبأ يقين اني وجدت امراءة تملكم واوتيت من كل شيء ولها عرش عظيم وجدتها وقومها يسجدون للشمس من دون الله وزين
لهم الشيطان اعمالهم فصدهم عن السبيل فهم لا يهتدون الا يسجدوا لله الذي يخرج الخبا في السموات والارض ويعلم ما تخفون وماتعلنون الله لااله الاهو رب العرش العظيم قال سننظر اصدقت ام كنت من الكاذبينشكر سليمان عليه السلام لله
ياايها الناس علمنا منطق الطير واوتينا من كل شيء ان هذا لهو الفضل المبين وحشر لسليمان جنوده من الجن والانس والطير فهم يوزعون حتى اذا اتوا على وادي النمل قالت نمله ياايها النمل ادخلوا مساكنكم ليحطمنكم سليمان وجنوده وهم لا يشعرون فتبسم ضاحكا من قولها وقال ربي اوزعني ان اشكر نعمتك التي انعمت علي وعلى والدي وان اعمل صالحا ترضاه وادخلني برحمتك في عبادك الصالحين
سليمان عليه السلام والهدهد
وتفقد الطير فقال ماليا لاارى الهدهد ام كان من الغابئين لاعذبنه عذابا شديدا او لاذبحنه او لياتيني بسلطان مبين فمكث غير بعيد فقال احطت بما لم تحط به وجئتك من سبأ بنبأ يقين اني وجدت امراءة تملكم واوتيت من كل شيء ولها عرش عظيم وجدتها وقومها يسجدون للشمس من دون الله وزين
بلقيس ورسالة سليمان عليه السلام
اذهب بكتابي هذا فالقه اليهم ثم تولى عنهم فانظر ماذا يرجعون قالت ياايها الملا اني القي اليا كتاب كريم انه من سليمان وانه بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الا تعلوا عليا وائتوني مسلمين قالت ياايها الملا افتوني في امري ما كنت قاطعة امرا حتى تشهدون قالوا نحن اولو قوة واولو بأس شديد والامر اليكي فانظري ماذا تامرين قالت ان الملوك اذا دخلوا قرية افسدوها وجعلوا اعزة اهلها اذله وكذلك يفعلون واني مرسلة اليهم بهدية فناظره بما يرجع المرسلون فلما جاء سليمان قال اتمدونني بمال فما اتاني الله خيرا مما اتاكم بل انتم بهديتكم تفرحون
رد سليمان عليه السلام على الهديه
ارجع اليهم فلاناتينهم بجنود لاقبل لهم بها ولنخرجنهم منها وهم اذلة وهم صاغرون قال ياايها الملا ايكم ياتيني بعرشها قبل ان ياتوني مسلمين قال عفريت من الجن انا اتيك به قبل ان تقوم من مقامك واني عليه لقوي امين قال الذي عنده علم من الكتاب انا اتيك به قبل ان يرتد اليك طرفك فلما راه مستقرا عنده قال هذا من فضل ربي ليبلوني ااشكر ام اكفر ومن شكر فانما يشكر لنفسه ومن كفر فان ربي غني كريم
إســــــــــلآم بلقيس
قال نكروا لها عرشها ننظر اتهتدي ام تكون من الذين لا يهتدون فلما جاءت قيل اكهذا عرشك قالت كانه هو واوتينا العلم من قبلها وكنا مسلمين وصدها ما كانت تعبد من دون الله انها كانت من قوم كافرين قيل لها ادخلي الصرح فلما راته حسبته لجه وكشفت عن ساقيها قال انه صرح ممرد من قوارير قالت ربي اني ظلمت نفسي واسلمت مع سليمان لله رب العالمين
Story and King Hoopoe prophet Sulaiman and the Queen of Sheba inspired by the Koran
Suleiman thanked God, peace be upon him
People O you learned logic birds and Utena of everything that this is a credit shown and Hasher Solomon soldiers from the jinn and men and birds, and they distribute even if they came to the valley of the ants said Ant O you ants brought your house to Ihtmenkm Solomon and his soldiers, they do not feel Vtbasm laughing at her and said, Lord Oozni to thank that grace bestowed on and on and my dad and I do a good Trdah and mercy brought me in righteous slaves
Solomon, peace and the Hoopoe
And lose the bird said, financially Carey Hoopoe mother was Algabin to Aazpinh severe punishment or Azbhanh or to come to me with authority shown he stayed not far said I took what was not disparaging him and come to thee from Saba news sure I found Samarra Tofm and the best of everything and have a great throne and her grandmother and her people prostrate to the sun without God and Satan Zine them their repulsed by the way they are not guided only worship God, which comes out Alkhba in the heavens and the earth and knows what Tkhvon Matalnon God and King for Alaho Lord of the Great Throne said they have ratified or we will consider you liars
Solomon and the Queen of Sheba message peace be upon him
Go hereby Valgah them and then took them see what return said O you Mullah I thrown Walia book cream that of Solomon, and he name of God the Merciful, but Talo Supreme Bring Muslims said O you Mullah Please advise me in Emre what you conclusive thing even testify said we Olu strength and Olu okay It's very Aliki Look at what Thamrin said that if the Kings entered the village and made AVsduha noblest of its people submissive as well as they do, and I sent them a gift Vnazerh including dispatchers because when he came Suleiman said Atemdonna money what God which he came good whatsoever, but you rejoice Bhdatkm
Solomon's response to the gift of peace
Refer to them Flanatinhm soldiers to accept them out and Nkrzinhm which they humiliated and they are humble, said O you Mullah ECHEM comes to me her throne before Aatuna Muslims said puck from the jinn, I will bring it before from thy Wani him to strong Amin said that he has learned from the book, I will bring it before Here's your butt bounces when he saw the stable has said that by the grace of God to Ablona Aahkur mother whispered to thank then it is thanks to himself and whoever disbelieves, the RBI rich cream
Islam blokes
Said Nkeroa her throne look Athtda or be of those who are not guided when he was told Akema throne said, as if he is the best of our knowledge from before and we are Muslims and repel what were worshiped without God it was one of the folk unbelievers told her go in the edifice when he saw guessed abyss and revealed her legs said He said Mamrd of flasks said Lord that I have wronged myself and submit with Solomon to Allah, Lord of the Worlds
Suleiman thanked God, peace be upon him
People O you learned logic birds and Utena of everything that this is a credit shown and Hasher Solomon soldiers from the jinn and men and birds, and they distribute even if they came to the valley of the ants said Ant O you ants brought your house to Ihtmenkm Solomon and his soldiers, they do not feel Vtbasm laughing at her and said, Lord Oozni to thank that grace bestowed on and on and my dad and I do a good Trdah and mercy brought me in righteous slaves
Solomon, peace and the Hoopoe
And lose the bird said, financially Carey Hoopoe mother was Algabin to Aazpinh severe punishment or Azbhanh or to come to me with authority shown he stayed not far said I took what was not disparaging him and come to thee from Saba news sure I found Samarra Tofm and the best of everything and have a great throne and her grandmother and her people prostrate to the sun without God and Satan Zine them their repulsed by the way they are not guided only worship God, which comes out Alkhba in the heavens and the earth and knows what Tkhvon Matalnon God and King for Alaho Lord of the Great Throne said they have ratified or we will consider you liars
Solomon and the Queen of Sheba message peace be upon him
Go hereby Valgah them and then took them see what return said O you Mullah I thrown Walia book cream that of Solomon, and he name of God the Merciful, but Talo Supreme Bring Muslims said O you Mullah Please advise me in Emre what you conclusive thing even testify said we Olu strength and Olu okay It's very Aliki Look at what Thamrin said that if the Kings entered the village and made AVsduha noblest of its people submissive as well as they do, and I sent them a gift Vnazerh including dispatchers because when he came Suleiman said Atemdonna money what God which he came good whatsoever, but you rejoice Bhdatkm
Solomon's response to the gift of peace
Refer to them Flanatinhm soldiers to accept them out and Nkrzinhm which they humiliated and they are humble, said O you Mullah ECHEM comes to me her throne before Aatuna Muslims said puck from the jinn, I will bring it before from thy Wani him to strong Amin said that he has learned from the book, I will bring it before Here's your butt bounces when he saw the stable has said that by the grace of God to Ablona Aahkur mother whispered to thank then it is thanks to himself and whoever disbelieves, the RBI rich cream
Islam blokes
Said Nkeroa her throne look Athtda or be of those who are not guided when he was told Akema throne said, as if he is the best of our knowledge from before and we are Muslims and repel what were worshiped without God it was one of the folk unbelievers told her go in the edifice when he saw guessed abyss and revealed her legs said He said Mamrd of flasks said Lord that I have wronged myself and submit with Solomon to Allah, Lord of the Worlds